Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Please give me some advice on marrying this man?

Should I marry him or leave him?

He is 40, I am 28.

He is a non christian : I am a christian

He wants his fathers property before he marries me and thats why he has not married me yet

He fights me when he gets irritates and calls me b,hoe, slt, etc etc...

He doesnt know when he will marry me

We have been seeing each other for 3 years

He says he will never become christian and sometimes when I share bible verses with him, he says christ is all sh * it and all rubbish and he will always be a hindu when he fights with me I mean.

He and I live a long distance from each other and till date he has never come to see me other than 2 times when first time his friend sent him here for free on a plane and second when his sister came to my city on business, he tagged along

He has never spoken or professed his love to my dad since I live with dad

He begs me to wait for him

he is loving otherwise.

He is caring from his city otherwise

He calls 2 times a day

He says I love youPlease give me some advice on marrying this man?
Oh my - You already know its not right or you wouldnt be asking others for their opinion. Surely you know you are worth more than what this man is treating you. If he is not a Christian, and you are, it isnt going to work out - regardless of how he treats you. not to mention he calls you horrible names and that is not normal. loving relationships are not hurtful in that way. Dump him. Good luck.Please give me some advice on marrying this man?
It doesn't sound like a pair made in heaven. If your religion is important to you, then perhaps, you should find a man who's also Christian. I'm not religious and I know I'd be unhappy with someone who was.

Additionally, the fact that he calls you names should be a deal-breaker by itself. You say he's loving, but those two things don't go hand in hand.
Being with this guy proves to you over and over that you are not a worthy wonderful person. I think you should ask yourself why you would want to feel this way for the rest of your life.
I am gonna be as truthful as I can.

I think he is wanting to play the daddy role with you. He's keeping you at bay so he can do as he wants and you feel obligated to him.

Find you someone closer and more your age...You will have a better relationship I am almost positive.
The religious aspect is very important, IF other aspects don't balance this discrepancy. Furthermore this is the worst:

';He fights me when he gets irritates and calls me b,hoe, slt, etc etc... ';

This from me would be a BIG NO!!

If this is now, imagine when he gets angry and you are married to him: just WORSE

p.s. By asking this question it seems you have doubts, if you have doubts is because of a good reason, your intuition is saying already NO.
A forty year old man who is economically dependent on his family is not marriage material.

YOU SAID'; He has no money to marry me

He is very rich but due to parents wealth but they wont give him any money

He is not dependent on anyone not himself.';'; Yes he is dependent.

Any man who calls you names does not respect you. MOVE ON.
I agree with the others, you know the answer to this question. You should pick someone to marry who treats you right, not right some of the time. A 40 year old man who's still affected by the whims and 'strings' of his parents is not a grown adult yet. You are probably more mature than he is, and more capable of taking care of yourself in this world. Actions speak much louder than words. He's not visited you too many times, but he calls to say he loves you. Calling is easy, visiting is proof that he really does want you and love you.

You already know the answer. You can do what needs to be done, and once you do, you'll have more confidence knowing that you can do it! Life is going to be full of situations like this, rely on your strength and good judgement (don't second guess what you know is right)

Good Luck.
On the off chance that this question is real and not made up, I'll say: A Christian and and non-Christian would have a very hard time co-existing in the same house and shouldn't get married, in my opinion. My other observation is: Are you crazy? You do not have a relationship with this guy that is worth investing any more time on.
Sounds like true love to me.
You obviously know what we're going to say...you just want confirmation. Any man that calls you names is not worth your time. If he can't make the time to see you, he is not worth your time. And if he doesn't show respect to your parents, he is not worth your time. It's pretty clear cut to me.
This is one of those question that, if it needs to be asked, you already know the answer, but are looking for support to do what you must.
You already know the answer. You just have to get up the courage to do it.

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