Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I have a relative who wants to marry a man in africa she met on the internet. Need advice?

Tried talking her out of it or in the very least getting married in the states. But she is determined to go through with getting married in Africa. What are some potential ramifications? IS it even legal? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.I have a relative who wants to marry a man in africa she met on the internet. Need advice?
Every country has its own rules on foreign marriages. I'm not sure it would be illegal. I'm 99.44% sure it's a bad idea. I don't think ANYONE should marry someone they haven't spent extensive time with. As in, at least a couple of years. I've encountered several people who've entered marriages like this.

Can't think of a single one that's worked out. What I did notice was each of those people was desperate to find someone to hook up with. So desperate, they completely ignored common sense, and anyone who tried to give them any.I have a relative who wants to marry a man in africa she met on the internet. Need advice?
she can get married if she wants to, its her choice, but you can't come back the united states if they get married in africa. They wouldn't be legally married, plus she hasn't seen this guy before, what if he's a rapist, she doesn't want to go through the rest of her life depressed and scared because she got raped.
it is legal (assuming they have a government recognized ceremony), but the ramifications can be pretty stiff. if they have a child, and she decides to leave, she is going to have an extraordinarily tough time taking him out of the country with her. depending on the country, the us may be required to send the child back until custody is sorted out, or she may not be able to leave with the child at all. in certain countries where muslim law is predominant, even if they are not married in a muslim custom, the laws dictate that she will have no rights with her children. she may not even be permitted divorce.

not knowing what country this man is from, i cant say specifically what the laws are. worst case scenario, she will have no rights over children, no possessions, no property no job. she may have to share her husband with other wives. she may not legally be allowed to leave without her husbands permission. she may have no recourse for abuse, or rape. she may be forcibly circumcised. she may have her passport taken.

far more likely is that she will live in a level of poverty she has never before thought possible. she may have to constantly choose between food and rent. she may not have access to regular health care, much less access to surgeons or specialists. she will be living in a place with a truly frightening number of HIV infected people, none of whom have access to medication. she will see children starve before her eyes. she will see women and children beaten and raped, and watch everyone just accept that this is how life is. she will witness murders, either through tribal warfare, genocide, or within the bounds of the law. she may not have access to books or stores.

or she may be extraordinarily lucky and live in a place that is modern and progressive.

parts of africa are the most beautiful places in the world. parts are a literal hell on earth. the regions of africa are as diverse as the regions of europe. some so poverty stricken that people are dying faster than they can repopulate. some are cultured and beautiful and a paradise. its not that it wont be worth it, but personally, i would be a lot more sure about what my life would be like before i made that kind of commitment.
is this person an adult, ..?? over the age of 25, (i say 25, as thats a better age to get married, at least they have a clue what love is)...if shes an adult, then its really her business, why would you talk her out of it? Meeting on the internet, has nothing to do with it, thats no big deal anymore, there are just as many losers in some night club as there are on the web, so thats no big deal, but if this is some kid, some 18 or 19 yr old kid, then perhaps you could SUGGEST, she spend time with him first, i'm sure she cant be that stupid to marry someone shes never been with ';in person';, ...(though i do know adults whom have met and married soon after meeting, and they're fine), again, this isnt really your business, so just offer support, and guidance and suggestions, IF this girl is old enough to begin with, and yes, its legal.
well obviously the straight up approach didn't work with her so if your really care about her and want to make sure she's safe as much as you can, if this is something she really wants, all you can do now is support her and be her shoulder to lean on and the friend to call if she needs someone to talk to. at least if you remain being her confidant, then you will always know where she is and what she's doing. if you become too judgemental about the situation, she'll just block you out completely, which one would you rather have?
Insist someone talk some sense into her.

The Internet???? Really, is she that desperate????

If she marries him, he can become a citizen, which is probably what he wants.
Legal adult can get married anywhere they please.
make sure he is real and legit,there are many love scams from western africa and the uk.if so i suppose they can get married anywhere they want.

look up dating scams nigeria on google!!

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