Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on a night out involving man i like?

I like this man very much and my friend has said that i should move the next step now and he does know i like him but neither of us will do anything. Well in 3 weeks it's my birthday and friend said about going to the pub were this bloke goes she said maybe it would help because we only see each other when he's working he's a driver it was him who actually told me were he drinks well she said maybe it was time i took the bull by the horns and go in she said at least then the both of you can talk proper in a social situation. At least then things might be easier for you 2 to talk. Do you lot think that it would be a good idea i suppose it would give me a better idea to see if he does actually like me. Advice on a night out involving man i like?
Ya a good idea just go there and offer him a drink

it Will start the conversation and lead to a relationship thats wat u want

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