Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice on relationship with kosovar albanian man?

We have been together over 3 years now, I am an american woman, and he is from kosovo. Last week I found out through a friend that he has been dating another albanian woman for the past 6 months. I confronted him, and he denied everything, then the next day I talked to the woman on the phone. She informed me that they were planning on getting engaged and their parents have been arranging the marriage. The past week I have done everything to move on but it is very hard because i love him very much. After conflicting texts from the girl, my friend and this man, i am more confused than ever. I do not know if this was all a lie to make sure he is not in a realtionship with an american woman (his family is still very old fashioned) or if he really did cheat. Any advice would be nice. ThanksAdvice on relationship with kosovar albanian man?
I am an Albanian girl, and if I was you, I would leave him and forget about him. Albanians don't really marry outside of the culture, and if they do, they are looked down upon by the family.

Good Luck! =)Advice on relationship with kosovar albanian man?
yikes! 3 years.Is his fam from here? What does he say? Does he say he wants to marry you? Has he been acting funny over the last few months?

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