Saturday, July 31, 2010

Any advice on how to keep an Italian's man interest???

I'm from Europe i know they are very gelous dont pay him that much attention just because you like his accent and don't give him to much sex make him whait ;-)Any advice on how to keep an Italian's man interest???
garlic, they love garlic.Any advice on how to keep an Italian's man interest???
speak italian
Get him a nice expresso maker.
Get to know his Mother. If she likes you. You'r golden.

They all love their mother.
Same as any other, Make him think he is the only man in the world you both enjoy every min, you have with each other also, depending on your age, from my own experiences, Italian men are ALOT!!! more sexual!!
give him italian food
for any man, sex, (if there is any man there who contradicts, ur not true to yourself). but of course, sex is not the only thing u should offer, and even the with sex u have to be creative
Well, I think you are going on the misconception that ALL Italian men have had many lovers and have done everything. To keep ANY man's interest BE YOURSELF. If he doesn't like you for you, then you are wasting your time on him.
eat snails

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