Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on dating an older man with children?

I am dating a man seven years my senior. It looks like he is open to travel and learning new things and keeping up with my life. I just got out of a 5 year oppressive relationship 8 months ago. I am just starting to enjoy my youth at 24 years of age. I am latin and very much a dancer. But we do enjoy spending time together. We intellectually and physically stimulates me very well. It is not love at first sight and not even close right now, but i cannot rule out that possibilityy either.

He is somewhat of a dancer like most men. However i am new to the dating scene. Adding on to that fact make is harder. Any advice from ladies that dating older gents?Advice on dating an older man with children?
dont be fooled though.

older guys know how to play the game better.

im dating someone 13 years older.

age is only a number, but obviously there are limits and things!

but if you feel it is right, then do what your heart tells you.

just dont be fooled.

xAdvice on dating an older man with children?
My man is 12 years older than me and we have a wonderful relationship. He so much more mature than the guys my age and so very experienced in the bed room. I won't complain!!
Date him. Why rush? Just date. There's no clock. Have fun
Ya, older guys have money and can treat you better

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