Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Help me with advice on this crazy man?

i met him 4yrs ago at a party,we both were in relationships at the time.a year later i saw him again(we have mutual friends)at this time we were both single and talked and ended up sleeping in the same bed that night,he held me for i was upset about my x cheating.I was told he never pursued me for the fact of him being mutual friends with my x and my older brother.we both went our seperate ways and moved on,i ran into him again just recently(im now single again for my recent x abused me physically)and this time we talked and ended up going home together and having sex,the thing is he is still in a relationship with a girl,now i am confused and feel crappy and used.What do I do?Help me with advice on this crazy man?
Don't feel used. It is obviously meant to be. If you keep bumping into him, and there is a connection between the two of you maybe it is meant to be. If you continue to sleep with him, and he never breaks it off with his NOW GF, then yes I would stop the relationship. Help me with advice on this crazy man?
i knew what u were in for so why will u feel used, maybe the next time u bump into him, dont sleep with him.
Serendipity. You keep running into him, I think you are meant to be together, but I would not sleep with him again until he is out of the relationship with his GF. I wouldn't feel used either. Some higher power is telling you both that you should be together.
No need to feel like that. It's a reason why you two keep running into each other. Let everything happen on it's own, it will fall in place
Tell that girl and dump that guy
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