Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need some advice on my new man! He is talking about other women...?

I have recently started seeing a guy and I thought things were good. We get on great etc etc. Anyway I saw him the other day and he started saying he wanted to go away somewhere hot with me on holiday in the summer.

My response was prob. the wrong one because I ended up saying 'oh but you might be bored of me by then anyway' I was only really saying it in a flirty kinda way... but anyway he then went on to say really confidently that he was sure 'he could find someone else no problem' I didn't respond although it kinda hurt!

Then when he was on his laptop and made a point of showing me some of the girls that 'were after him on myspace.' Again I tried hard not to respond!

Now I am really confused!! Is he jst trying to make me jealous or is he trying to imply we are only ever going to be casual? he did mention how great it was to be in a fun relationship without any resposibility or commitment.

Help! I am terrible at reading men!I need some advice on my new man! He is talking about other women...?
Lose him. He is insecure, and trying to make your feel that way, too (to bring you to his level). This guy will only bring your self-esteem down. Run!I need some advice on my new man! He is talking about other women...?
If he showed you girls on myspace that are after him, oviously he does not respect you. You just dont do that!! He sounds like a player, and a guy that you shuold not waste your time with. Find someone who is going to treat right!!
He's trying to show you that he is desirable to other women. Men do this when they feel insecure, or when they're trying to see how you really feel. Just make him feel good and give him a few compliments. He's fishing for some compliments.
you're screwed...
It sounds like he wants reassurance , photos on a computer are not a solid relationship.
Why don't you just ask him? All that any of us would be doing is just guessing at the problem. My guess is he is trying to make you jealous, but who really knows but him?
He doesnt sound like hes very interestedin a serious relationship thats just the vibe I get from the few things you said. Usually if he was really invested in your future he wouldnt make such obvious comments.
well i guess he was hurt by your reaction to the summer getaway
Sounds like he enjoys having you around, but will dump you in a second if and when he feels like it. If you are keeping him warm at night think twice...............
Yeah, terrible at picking men, too! He's a creep, plain and simple. He wants booty call, and you're it for the time being.

Dump the chump and move on, find yourself a real man, not a fake-playa in a walmart suit.

Remember, no man is worth your tears.
Sounds like he's just in it for the fun. Take things slowly so you will be less vulnerable to getting hurt. Most guys aren't going to come flat out and say they just want to mess around because that would likely reduce their chances of 'getting some'. Enjoy it for what it is, but if it's not what you want then don't settle.
he did mention how great it was to be in a fun relationship without any responsibility or commitment.

that comment says it all - obviously he is not taking any of it serious......either make a commitment (even if it ends up being short term) or - I would get out.....showing you other women - is mean and hurtful - don't let him emotionally abuse like that
sounds like he is trying to make you jealous. letting you know he would have no problem finding other girls that want him. so it is his way of saying, if you mess up then i will dump you and find me some other girl. i would tell him to ';f'; off and find yourself someone else. don't let him have all the power, see what he will do if you start talking about other guys. see if that works and if he does not care then dump him
Sometimes guys do these things just to see how you would react, and also to validate themselves to show you how lucky you are to have them.... if i were you i wouldn't take too personally, sounds like he is just trying to get your attention, and keep it.
Dump him. If it's so easy for him to get other girls if you left him, he never cared for you in the first place.
flat out ask if this is a game or what....don't let the gaming start or you will wind up hurt and left feeling used. relationships do not grow from what ifs and maybes. those are killers.

start the relationship over with a date and keep it simple for a bit until you're past this thing.
He was just showing you that he could find someone else if you didnt want to go with him. In other words, you aint the only fish in the sea.....
I think you deserve better. I had a guy that sounds just like this. And we didn't last very long. He ended up being a big jerk. I was kinda mad that I waisted my time on this guy that was just not somebody that was worth it. You should think about being happy in a relationship with a guy that will treat you right and not be ready to up and leave you in the blink of an eye for some other girl.
as terrible as you are at reading men...he's even more terrible at being a man. Anyone who would show someone all the girls that ';were after him'; is an utter and complete moron. You're wasting your time with this guy. Now, I'm not saying dump him...but be realistic that he's not going to be good for you so get what YOU want out of the relationship (whatever that may be) and if you don't get your needs met? Jettison him.
You're asking if he was trying to hurt your feelings and make you feel bad? Yes, isn't that what jealousy is all about? He's not into you, and enjoys hurting you. Move on. He's a jerk.
Well, guys have this huge ego, and I think he was expecting you to jump up and down and say yes right on the spot. He probably felt a little rejected and then embarassed, so he had to show you that he could take anyone and you were just another number.

He sounds a little insecure, probably not a total jerk, but just a little bruised. You should talk to him again and explain that you would love to go...guys can't read our minds either! You have to give a yes or no or they are clueless! I understand you were expecting him to say that he wouldn't be tired of you, but he didn't get it.

Talk about it, and good luck!

(if it does turn out that he is a ';playa'; you are better off anyway.
I think he's a pompous bumhole trying to make you ';insecure'; to keep you in line.

The nerve of him showing you all these chics that ';want him'; just makes me sick. My husband does that too sometimes. It's a way to ';control'; you as stupid as it sounds,and make you grateful that you're the one who ';has him';.

I say he's a player if he's still looking to see who wants him in myspace....but that's just a personal opinion.

He'll keep you on the line, so he has SOMETHING, but if something better comes along, you're history.
I asked you to marry me and you said yes now already i see you have a another man , you must make your choice me or him

itsjeffffffffff at Yahoo
He is trying to make you jealous and manipulate you because he feels rejected by your coy answer. men are not too bright. you must spell it out for him and make him know that ...YES you do want to go and he better not even think about anyone else in your place. hug him and kiss him and tell him you love him. that is what they understand. Cry if he talks about other women and he will be very happy and proud and want to keep you.( you are a treasure)
Sounds like he was trying to make you jealous, since he may have though you were giving him the brush-off (ie, you were reluctant to plan that far ahead since you didn't know if YOU still wanted to be dating him). This is why playing games makes everyone lose.

But his last comment does make it seem like he's pulling back and doesn't want a real relationship with you. So you need to start being honest with him (and not play word games or put yourself down) and tell him if you want to pursue a committed relationship with him.

When in doubt - communicate!
Here's my opinion... You guys have a ';mutual'; understanding, those are suppose to be fun and adventurous. Stop sweating the small things, that's to keep your attention and keep you focused on him. If you really like him and want to be in a relationship then you are in the wrong game, ';mutual'; arrangements are hard if that's what you're looking for. Good luck.
Hello, you just said it!!! Your words: ';It was fun to be in a relationship without any responsibility or COMMITMENT.'; He is not looking at you as his girlfriend, he is looking at as his girl-friend. He is not or does not want to be in a committed relationship, I suggest you cut this tadpole loose, ASAP!!
I think that he's just trying to get you jealous! Be more flirty with him and act as if nothing is going wrong. Give him some desert and he will stay with you forever!
1 of 3 things he is either

a. Incredibly conceited

b. really has a sense of inferiorty and feels he needs to show you that others are interested

c. setting the stage for a hump and dump

The only other thing I could think is that he knows you are fishing for a complement and is pulling your chain

Death To Infidels !!!!!!!!!

He is full of it. What's he going to do hop into the computer. You really don't like him, do you?

He's an idiot and I don't need to hear anymore, unless you are not being honest. I doubt that cause it's a bit ridiculous. Tell him peeky-boo I can see through you. See how he is now, thank God for the preview. You sound like a nice girl and out there is your perfect partner, I hope he shows up soon...
It sounds like he wants to make you jealous. Maybe he is not sure how much you like him and implying that you will only be casual was his way of protecting his feelings. He did not get it when you were flirting and might have thought you didn't want to go. Talk to him about it.

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