Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Can anyone give me some advice on, why a man turns you into there enemy without you deserving it.?

I am married and recently my husband has been making me his enemy and i dont now why or why the change with him all the sudden.Can anyone give me some advice on, why a man turns you into there enemy without you deserving it.?
Well it sounds like there may be more to it than what is just on the surface. It sounds like this is not just your normal marital disagreement and you eventually kiss and make up. There is something here that is waking that little voice inside of you saying, ';hello, red flag';. I'm not saying this to freak you out or to say leave the cheater. Just to say, be very aware, pay attention to when the outbursts are happening. What else has changed in his life, anything you know of? Has anything else changed in your marriage, that you are aware of? Pay attention to these things. If they explain it and you feel at peace about that, great, that is probably what it is. If you are concerned something extra-marital might be going on, hire a PI. If there is something like that going on, you will not be able to save your marriage by developing a thicker skin, or becoming more forgiving. That is something everyone needs to do and it does not give someone the justification to treat you badly. Knowledge of the truth is power. With it you can then push for change or make a decision to get yourself out of a bad situation.Can anyone give me some advice on, why a man turns you into there enemy without you deserving it.?
how long have u been married, it's possible he wants out or u r just pushing him in that direction because u have issues. if i take the question at face value I'd say he is cheating or wanting to. there has to be more to this than we know. but keep an eye on him and seek help marriage counseling.
Rhonda, how long have you been married? That may be a consideration. What is an example of when he turns you into the enemy? That may give a clue. Some people have a difficult time adjusting to change. Some people have a difficult time admitting they are wrong so project it on others. Most people take out what is bothering them on the person they feel most secure / comfortable with and who is there at the time. When I started counseling the therapist told me that just because he blames me doesn't mean I have to accept the blame. Now I just say to him ';You can blame me, but I refuse to accept responsibility for something that wasn't me.'; or ';I respect that you feel that way, but I disagree.'; If I refust to argue he is left cooling his heels. It does not necessarily mean he is cheating or wants you to make the first step to leave, but he may be taking you for granted or may be dissatisfied with some other aspect of his life and it is just easier to project it onto you. You may be a strong and supportive person for being there for him, but many people interpret this as weakness unfortunately and ';the only people who appreciate a door mat are ones with dirty feet.'; Be assertive without being argumentative. Be your own best friend. Best wishes.
Don't think for one minute it can't be you. Most of these things take two. What have you changed recently? what has changed in his life recently. Maybe his work changed?
because maybe you are not doing your part and he is sick of putting up with your crap and you did not tell that side of the story because you want the pitty like the pile of **** that is trying to take me for everything i have, tell the story from both sides and get a honest answer.
Because you are there. He is frustrated for some reason and you are his whipping girl. Who else would put up with his attitude but a wife? Maybe he's seeing someone else, and he would see you as the enemy because you are getting in the way of his fun. You could try asking him why he's being this way, but he'd likely hear it as nagging. Try anyway, you have the right to know. Maybe check up on him a bit.
Good question. It hurts, doesn't it? There is an old song called ';You always hurt the one you love.'; It's so true. But all is not lost! We have the very real power of forgiveness. When he does something wrong, don't ignore it. Gently go to him and say, ';That was not very nice.'; It might surprise him. He turns around and does something else that's rude? Repeat. ';That was not very nice.'; Again? Repeat. Then let him think about it and go do your work or whatever it is you need to get done.

My point? We need to hold our loved one to the promises he or she made us: to love us. Ask him to apologize. He won't? Give him a little time. Sometimes people have a hard time saying they're sorry. More often they will do something nice to show they are sorry. Say thank you and really mean it when this happens. It's the first step to forgiveness. By all means know that it might be totally his problem. Develop a little thicker skin knowing you are more mature than he is. Once again, always remind him that he is to be kind to you, respectful to you, and you will not tolerate any rude behavior in your home. Be firm and repetitive on this. Always take ';the high road '; and behave with dignity. He will respond to your flawless actions.
Because it's the only way he can justify being a jerk! Mine left and THEN started acting that way. When I was anything BUT the enemy. Be on guard.
sounds like he is trying to force you to make the first move of divorce or has something deep seeded really bothering him. My best advice, ask him point blank, reassure him of your love. You cannot control him, but give it a try. Suggest counselling. You cannot make him want the marriage, just try and figure out what is going on. Otherwise, sounds like he is mean spirited and you would be best out of the relationship.

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