Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are any of you married to gamblers and what is your advice on marrying a man that says he is going to quit.?

I'd tell you you are absolutely nuts, and here's why:

Addicts are all the same, hon, be it gambling, alcohol, sex, drugs, porn, or whatever. They are already in a relationship, it just isn't with you, and it never will be with you -- not you or anyone one else, not ever. It is a personality defect, that it not curable, and barely treatable.... as any therapist. AA fails miserably, ask them what their percentage of cure is..... Call!!!. Gamblers Anonymous same thing, talk to them!!!!! And with gambling, your financial future is already ruined, even before you start.... He will lie to you, cover up his gambling debts to you, he will even stop for awhile, but it is a looooossssst cause, sweetie, it truly is.....

If you are a neat lady, there are just tooooo many really great guys who don't have this addiction problem. You don't have to settle for a flawed guy going in.... no one is that desperate, particularly with Yahoo Personals, Match.com, e-harmony, and all the others. Nice people, and of course a few nut cases, just like those next to you in church....Are any of you married to gamblers and what is your advice on marrying a man that says he is going to quit.?
dont marry one. if you do make that mistake, leaveAre any of you married to gamblers and what is your advice on marrying a man that says he is going to quit.?
I have a friend who went through that. She eventually got tired of broken promises for years and divorced the guy. Don't marry him until he gets treatment for gambling addiction.
well my mom is a gambler got help for it and is still a gambler after 20 years get out while you can before the care is reposessed and the house is foreclosed
Gambling is a serious addiction. I suggest you hold off on the wedding until this guy gets some serious help for it and shows improvement. If no improvement is shown he is definately not quitting. And trust me you don't want to get into something like that sooner or later he will take your possesions to feed off his addiction.
Well it really depends on how strong of a man he really is.. My husband is compulsive, any thing he likes he does compulsively, this includes gambling, well did. He is a good man and is a very strong minded man. We have been together 7 years and i put up with the gambleing until he spent a whole weeks pay and then i told him enough! I told him that I would ask him to leave and he hasn't went since, I would tell him how you felt and tell him that this is something you can not live with, Then you leave it to him to decide if he would rather have that than you and stand firm because if you don't it will never change but for the worst....If he loves you he will get the help he needs and he will do it now not later when you leave
Dont marry the guy, you deserve much better.
Honestly.... its like marrying a crack-addict who says he's going to quit.

Addiction is addiction.

He needs rehab.
Don't press him and make sure that he goes to GA meetings. If you stress him about it, it will increase.
Maintain your own back account, secure you savings, never tell him you have money or any money saved. Always hide your cheque book, ATM card, Credit Cards, Account Information, PIN, etc.
Don't marry him. Or have his and your money direct deposited into an account he has absolutly not access to and give him an allowance.But I would not want to live like that if it was me.
Wait until he quits before you get married. Gambling is a very serious addiction, and like all addictions, it takes time to heal. You need to make sure this man is on the road to recovery, at least haveing 8 months to a year in recovery before you think about getting married. Marriage is stressful, and gamblers often gamble when they are stressed, so it won't be healthy for him either. Just take your time and be there for him, but wait on the vows.
tell him to get help or you will leave

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