Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice from men......i found a clip of my boyfriend on the internet....masturbating?

i walked in on my boyfriend surfing porn

thats cool with me even masterbating to it is cool with me *sereously*

BUT, then i looked at the site later and found a posting of him masterbating via web cam!!!

around ME, he has always been very shy and dosnt like to talk about fantasies etc but on this web site he is looking for people to roll play with him!!!

im totaly at a loss weve been together for 5 years, during that time we never had the internet so this is a new issue not an old one im just finding out about ... should i be completely freaked out?

but for real i f'ing love him, we were about to get married...

i ended up talking to him about it calmly and he tryed to lie out of it (im sure he was just embarassed, but its worth mentioning) then he said he was just looking for something exciting (ive only been home on the weekends for the last 3 months)

is this something any guy might do or is this a precurser to weirdo fettish/molestationI need advice from men......i found a clip of my boyfriend on the internet....masturbating?
Everyone does it.I need advice from men......i found a clip of my boyfriend on the internet....masturbating?
OK porn and masterbating is normal for a guy, but if he doesn't actually talk to you about sexual fantasies, you should sit with him and just try to make him talk about them, he will probably get proper embarrassed and try to get away but keep trying. oh and p.s if he really wants to look at himself masterbating..well.. ummm dont worry
I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but if you are looking for a serious relationship that results in marriage, five years is way too long for you two to figure this out (unless you started dating when you were 15). You need to finish that sentence ';we were about to get married....'; and I think you'll find your answer with regards to masturbating with strangers online.
honestly I would be bothered since he didn't tell me. I can tell you this isn't something just any guy would do especially since he is looking for someone to interact with (even if it is just internet based). I would work out your feelings about it and then talk to him. You guys need to set some boundries based on your comfort levels.
Well, if hes got like a million vids and hes secretly a porn star or something you should worry, if he did it once then uhh, well i guess thats his deal im not one to judge but in my opinion thats a little weird, if he doesnt do it anymore i wouldnt worry, but I know i wouldnt do something like that lol
its not something any guy would do..... however he must just really be into it. Did you see his face?

like you said you have only been home on the weekends. if the guy gets off on wanking, let it be!

what would you rather have him do....? hookers.

just be firm and honest and say you know its him, tell him its not serious, but your just curious why he did it. i dont think its much to worry about. he could do a lot worse!
its not normal

fantasy cheating on the web is still cheating

specially in this situation because hes posting vids of himself

which other people can watch....

if hes posting them hes also downloading them of other people

the difference between this and porn is there is usually contact via messenging/chat..

id dump his ***, hes not faithfull
I would be concerned that he's hiding it and then trying to lie about it. I think you need to talk to him more and figure out what is going on and if this is something you're comfortable with.
I think its funnier than hell, masterbation is as normal to me as working nine to five. Everyone does it, and those who say they don;t are liars, but to be on the internet doing it, is hilarious.
This is not something all guys do. I will never dream of puting my intimate moments on the net. He will have to explain himsielf to you.
im a girl and it sounds to me like u might have some trust issues with him....(like u might not be able to trust him completely) and if hes asking for people to come and role play with him then yeah u should be pissed....ummm thats cheating
Kinda weird, maybe hes into voyeoursim or something. Lol sugeest having sex in a car in the parking lot of yuor local mall and see what heppens.
watching it= normal

staring in your own home video and posting it on the web = not normal

if he is seeking out others to role play with I would be VERY upset, its like finding his ad on Match.com
Masterbating to porn is normal.

Video camming it and posting it online is not normal.
no he is slowly getting sicker...stop him asap...soon he'll be pulled out of your house for having naked kids on your computers or something sick like that
Its better than finding him on the net with another girl.
In my head...it would be a red flag


';around ME, he has always been very shy and dosnt like to talk about fantasies etc ';

he is concealing this from you....then he LIED.....
sometimes men do things just to be doing them..this sounds like one of those times.as long as he treats you with respect and loves and adore you don't worry about it.
Girl lemme tell you something, dont let no man play with your emotions like that, you are better than that
its normal
This is sort of odd, no man of mine has done this.
dump the wierdo
BEAT HIS *** OR TREAT HIM LIKE **** !#$$#$%#
post a link so we can see lol.
hahahahhaa that is sooo funny! I dunno I guess he just has fetishes that you aren't getting done for him babe
o dear
his a guy. give him a break
lol thats funny! maybe their is somethin missing from u guy's sex life
I am a proffesor of the neurological and developmental tissue in the ohysiological branch of Harvard Med. School. We have don emany studied on the effect of pornographic images on men and women. It seems to have a far higher affect on men than it does on woman because the woman are usually the ones making the images with either themselves, other women or other men. Men however, only make porn by themselves in extremely rare cases, known as Polynices. This is usually when you are uncomfortable about your sexuall relationships and are about to have a change in your sex your life. I'd be on the look out because there is an 82% chance that he will dump you and an 8% chance of abuse according to our experimental studies. Good luck!
All people masturbate and most find it embarrassing for others to know. The internet is so anonymous and therefore, offers a chance to jump outside ourselves and do things we would never do ';in real life.'; Showing, exposing himself to others is a concern though.

I find that porn, in general, leads to expectations that no one can fulfill and ultimately, hurts a personal relationship. If you realize that sex is showing your most personal and vulnerable side to someone you respect and cherish and that you feel the same about them, your sex life will always enhance your core relationship, not rule it.

He needs to realize that you are willing and ready to explore and try new things that excite yourselves without having to fantasize about what other people come up with. Ask him to stop and tell him your worries. Keep it simple, no nagging or lecturing. Listen to his responses and ask questions.

Take more time to decide if you want to marry. What is the rush? You have your whole life for time for that.

I plan to live to 100 so I figure that I have at least 52 years for anything I want for the future!

Luck to ya!

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