Thursday, August 19, 2010

Advice on become a tougher, braver, stronger, more disciplined, and hotter young man. PLEASE! ANY HELP?

I'm a 16 year old guy that is 5 ft. 6in. tall and weighs 103 pounds.


1. What can I do to become strong and build muscle mass (especially in the arms).

2. I also want to work myself and exercise just like I was training for the army so I can become stronger, more disciplined, braver, and tougher! Suggest some websites if you can.

3. You can suggest anything else that I can do to become a tougher, braver, stronger, more disciplined, and hotter young man.Advice on become a tougher, braver, stronger, more disciplined, and hotter young man. PLEASE! ANY HELP?
1.Go to the gym or lift weights at home

#2You are the only one who can discipline yourself braveness is up to you suck it up and be a man and tougher is answered in #1

#1 can't really help in hotter some are born that way some can only ask the girl they like then it doesn't matter if your ugly cute or hotAdvice on become a tougher, braver, stronger, more disciplined, and hotter young man. PLEASE! ANY HELP?
you should find a local gym near you and hire a nutritionist.

eating healthy and exercise while definitely give you the look you want a deserve.

Start taking a martial art. It will do wonders for the self discipline, strength and courage.
ok so here are some suggestions::

1). Go to the gym! Or evan if you can afford it get a personnel trainer.

2). I was doing a little research for you and i found this site check it out:%26lt;%26gt;,2033,DIY_13951_2271282,00.html%26gt;

3). And now about the hotness factor, I would say make sure you keep up your appearance. Get the latest clothing from the hottest shops. Bye a couple flat hats a few plaid baggy shorts, and your in!

And to be braver just stand up to who or what ever is in your way, don't be scared face your fear. And to be tougher, Im not saying to be a bully but you gotta make sure that everybody knows when you come around they better back off and don't mess with you. To be more disciplined ive learned that the best thing to do is just go with the flow, meaning do what your told the first time and disregard any other thoughts you might have about the subject and only put in your head what you are told to do. So just do these easy steps and in no time you ll find yourself a better young man physically an d mentally.

So if you follow this and it works please tell me because I want to add it to my blog. Ok, good luck!
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