Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Any gay,bi,teens or men out there that can help me on some advice really bad !?!?

hi im 16 and im also bi, i feel reall confused on my sexuality but need help, if ur a teen or gay fellow, try sharing or sparing thoughts that will help me at my young age, tell me things that will benefit me that u neva new wen u were 16 im sick of hiding i jus wanna b me!Any gay,bi,teens or men out there that can help me on some advice really bad !?!?
There is more to life than sex, you were meant for more.

http://www.meant4more.com/Any gay,bi,teens or men out there that can help me on some advice really bad !?!?
You can be attracted to both men and women. Just be yourself.
I think the thing that I needed to know the most at 16 is: You are the same person today that you were yesterday, that you were five years ago, that you were ten years ago.

In other words, your orientation is not a moral issue. Your character is defined by whether you're honest, trustworthy, loving - all the things you can do something about. Orientation is out of your control.

You may already realize this on one level, but it needs to sink in deep that it is just part of you, like your hair color, or your height.

There are loads of other things to know, but this one to me was the biggie.
no one can really give you the answer cause no matter what someone is going to judge you so you either come out or stay in. either way you will be judged so why not be judge for who you really are. hope i helped some
I know how hard it is to be 16 and feeling alone.

The following I never knew when I was a teen and wished I had.

First off, you are still in puberty. At this stage of your life sexuality is very confusing, and hard to deal with, especially if you know you are bi/gay and it is not just being curious.

Do you have a close friend and confidant you trust enough to confide in? If you do then that is the first step. You will have someone to confide in. Is there a youth counselling agency in your area where you can talk to someone? If so, they will give you support and may have addresses of a gay teen advocacy (maybe even in your school or neighbourhood) where you can share your fears, confusion and dreams and maybe meet someone of the same likes. Do you have a close friend that you've been intimate with and is bi?

I was fortunate enough when I was 14 to meet a pal who lived across the street and attended my juniour high, who happened to be bi. We had each other to lean on.

Also, being bi/gay is on a need to know basis. Who really needs to know? Or at least until you are sure and in a meaningful relationship.

The following may aslo help:

When I attended university part of my curriculum was psychology and Core Humanities; part of the term both dealt with Human Sexuality.

Leading researcher in different countries over many years compiled the following data:

1 out of 10 humans is bi/gay.

75% of males (can't remember stats for females) have had 1 or more same sex relations in their life (age when experimented were: boys, tweens, teens, young adults, adults and old men. Some men that experimented more than once had done so at different intervals of their lives) most married and had kids.

These figures were based on a true/false scale of 15% ratio.

Aslo, being bi/gay is not a choice, birth defect, illness, disease (mental or otherwise), anyone's fault or a sin.

Humans are born the way they are; every human has the right to love and be loved no matter what gender they happen to be involved with.

Good luck and please don't panic yet. You are still young and have a life ahead of you to be happy.
well if your bi then that is cool i understand what you are going though I'm bi by the way
Being bi is actually normal! Everyone is born bi and it is through our life experience and society that make us who we are. If you are attracted to both genders that is awesome...more people for you to love! At 16 it is hard to be anything (gay, straight, bi). Society (whether people admit it or not) puts a lot of pressure on young people to have the ideal life of being straight. You know the ';cookie cutter life'; of a wife, husband, 2.5 kids, a dog, cat and a white picket fence.

As a gay girl who grew up in a small town and watched a few friends come out in high school I saw the struggles they went through by not having a good support system, but in the long run they were happier because they came out. I didn't come out in high school, I waited until college because I didn't feel ready in high school. My advice is to enjoy high school by being you, if that means to come out as bi then do it. High school it about making memories and having fun and college is about finding yourself. Feeling bi is normal don't be scared to be who you are and do not feel pressured to be with someone you don't really want to be with.

Hope this helps.
Talk to some of the teens on http://www.TeenPhrase.com Lots of good advice from lots of other teens.
My advice is make up your mind......Bi is just being greedy.

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