Saturday, July 31, 2010

Guys 35 and up....I need advice on how to approach a man? (Round 2)?

Ok I am a 25 year old widow with two children ages 7 and 4. I have recently saw(not talked to or anything like that) a man that is around 38 years old. His children (15, 17) go to the same school as my son(It's a K-12). My dad helps coach basketball there and one of this guys daughters plays, so I see him often at the games. He is a well known man, seems super nice, hard working and not bad looking. There is just something about him that intrigues me. He has been divorced for about 10 years with no serious relationships since (i've asked around). What I need to know can I approach him? Any tips or pointers....I've never tried talking to an older guy. Do you think he would mind talking(or more in the future) to me at my age? I really want to make a good first impression. Thanks!Guys 35 and up....I need advice on how to approach a man? (Round 2)?
Sure he will talk to you. The next time you see him just introduce yourself. Let him know that you have seen him around and your kids go to the same school. This way you have some common ground. Ask him how his daughter likes playing on the basketball team. But try not to be too forward. Just be friendly. It would be ok if you asked him if the two of you could go have coffee some time.

Heck....I am 48 and if a woman 13 years younger than me came up to me like that I would be flattered.Guys 35 and up....I need advice on how to approach a man? (Round 2)?
If you were to ask me and I was him, I would ask him to acompany you to dinner, and you can take it from there. If it was me I would say yes =)

Other then that if you work in an office and your xmas party is coming up I would ask him to that. You could possable find one huh? I wish you the best of luck.

Merry Xmas
At his age he is or should be over the game playing thing especially since he has kids. You already have something in Go up and introduce yourself and bring up your dad helping and his daughter playing on the team. From there the conversation should be easy and should easily flow anywhere you want it too. Since I seriously doubt he expects to get hit on here you can rest easy and just be yourself. Good luck.
the best things in life pass us by, because we were to shy. alls i can say is you might have to step up to plate and let him know you are interested in a are open to that too
This time of year, a good approach might be via a Christmas card, and maybe enclose a small gift card to a favorite restaurant. Express your feelings, and see what happens! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Good luck!

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