Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Advice on dating a man with children?

I have never been married nor do I have any children and I recently started dating a man who has young children. I have never dated someone with children before. I do not have a problem with him having children nor with the fact that he has been married. I grew up with a single mom and know how well things turned out for us. I guess I am nervous because one, it is uncharted territory and two, because I am at that age where I am ready to start a family of my own. I am afraid of getting attached to children whom I could lose as well as knowing how it can affect them (as I experienced this first hand). Yet at the same time I really like this man and want to be sure that I approach this appropriately for all those involved. Any advice?Advice on dating a man with children?
don't do it. his kids will turn on for sure and he will take their side. PLUS you will have to deal with his ex all the time.

Run, don't walk away from this situation.Advice on dating a man with children?
be nice and friendly to his children and you'll add extra chances to be chosen by him. Ask him what they like and maybe surprise them.
It is early in the relationship I am guessing. So take it slow. Keep the kids out of the picture until you feel comfortable that there is some commitment on both sides. The and only then, slowly introduce them into your relationship.

I am a step-mother. My boys are now adults and we have a great relationship despite my having divorced their father many years ago. The truth is there is always risks, in any relationship. When there are children involved it is all that much more difficult. Treat them respectfully that is about the best you can do.
Don't, why do you have to settle for used and damaged goods.

Actually since you were raised by a divorced/unwed mom why not just treat the kids like you would have wanted to be treated.

He didn't get it right the first time, why do you think it is going to work with you? Especially if the kids are young and he now looking to move on and make even more babies.
You sound like a truly wonderful and sensitive person to be asking the question that you are asking, the way you are asking it. You clearly know that the kids' well-being comes first - and that kids are very vulnerable in these types of situations. First question would be, how well do you know your date, and what goals do the two of you have? There is no point in getting the kids involved until and unless you have some sense that you two are on the same page. Otherwise, there is no point in promoting and forging a relationship with the kids that may just become collateral damage if the r'ship goes nowhere. I did not involve my kids with my dates (I was widowed early with young kids) until I knew that the guy was even worth getting serious about. You don't say anything about the guy - is he new to the single parenthood thing, how much time does he have, how much custody does he have, if he is divorced, what kind of relationship does he have with the ex, how are his finances - all these things are relevant and could affect your relationship with him in the future, and with the kids. Until and unless you really find that your r'ship with him has a solid and substantive future, please just keep it light with the kids - don't woo them, just treat them politely, and don't try to discipline them. Take your cue from him, and be supportive of his position. Oh - and please pay close attention to how he interacts w the kids. If you don't like that, then again, there is no future for you. Finally - consider, if YOU are going to want bio-kids of your own, is HE up for producing them? He may not want any more, and if that is a deal killer for you, then better you should know now so you can leave.

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